Supporter Perks

I have recently introduced some perks for supporters of my work.

The current perks are

  1. No more "support me" dialogs in Kodi
  2. Faster addon updates (aprox 30mins) instead of Kodis default 24 hours
  3. Setting to disable news pop-ups
  4. Quality Force / Select
  5. Smart URLS
  6. Global trailer context menu item (can disable)
  7. Set Proxy server / DNS server / IPv4/IPv6 preference on per add-on basis
  8. Set default audio and subtitle tracks
  9. GZ compress output epg xml in IPTV Merge
  10. More to come....
Supporters are

  • anyone who has supported $10 or more over the last 366 days via "Buy me a coffee" (Ko-fi)

  • any active Patreon members
Unfortunately Github has no way to obtain email address for supporters so I advise to use one of the above methods instead

If you want to become a supporter, see the links below under "Support".

If you already meet any of the above, go to and enter your email address.
You'll then receive your "Supporter ID" vie email.

Once you have your Supporter ID, go to:
Any SlyGuy Add-on -> Settings -> Supporter ID
Enter it in.
If its accepted - you will get a Welcome message and all perks are then unlocked.


Check out the Supporter Perks
